Tetris Game

This home project was started in March of 2015 while I was a freshman at Temple. The initial prototype consisted of separate processor and display boards. The initial code was written using the Arduino software. In the summer of 2017, in lieu of a summer internship, I decided to revisit the project. A PCB was designed and printed at home, in addition to code migration to Atmel Studio. Below are photos showing the project progression over time.

March 2015

Circuit required a bench power supply, had a wire connecting display to processor. Software performed basic operations, like block placement and line clearing.

July 2017

After making a few successful PCBs at home, this larger board (145mm by 110mm) was attempted.

November 2017

A set of 5 boards of my summer design was was ordered from PCBWay. This was my first time ordering a custom board.

April 2018

Updates to the board were made. The board was designed to be printed by a manufacturer rather than home etching techniques. This board was double sided and has a score indicator. 


A handful of flaws of the previous revision were fixed.

October 2020

A smaller version of the board was developed.